"Brand New Family" by Lesley Lewis, Loon Ranger
Michigan Loonwatch was begun in 1986, designated and set up under the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to create and then to operate under and following the guidelines and recommendations of the Michigan Loon Recovery Plan, which it does to this day. The Recovery Plan was based on the experience and knowledge of Michigan biologists as well as of leading loon biologists Dr. Judy McIntyre and Dr. Paul Strong, and the North American Loon Fund.
Michigan Loonwatch Loon Rangers have helped guide, oversee and protect loons and provide data on loons and their territorial and feeding lakes throughout Michigan for over twenty-five years. A total of over 4,200 baby loons have been nurtured, helped and protected to successful fledging throughout the entire state during these years.
For more information on the Michigan Loonwatch Program, please visit:
*Loon Protection and Monitoring, *Education, *Research
Operating under
*The direction of Michigan DNRE and the guidelines of its Michigan Loon Recovery Plan
*The support of MLPA and as an affiliate of Michigan Audubon Society

"MLPA-MLW Loon Display" by Paige Calamari, Intern (CMU)